Healed by the White Lady header
Ghosts Supernatural

Healed by the White Lady

Peter and Diane Berthelot visited Norfolk during a family holiday with their son David in 1975. A time when holidays abroad were still expensive and rare. Diane had been ill and needed the break. During the trip they visited the quaint sleepy village of Worstead. While sightseeing, they stopped for a while in St Mary’s […]

Brown Lady of Raynham Hall Header
Ghosts Supernatural

The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall

Raynham Hall in Norfolk has been the seat of the Townshend family for almost 400 years. Charles George Townshend is the 8th and current Marquess Townshend and a British peer. As you can imagine, Raynham Hall has seen it’s fair share of history. Around 1713, the 2nd Viscount Townshend, also called Charles, married Dorothy Walpole. […]

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Ghosts Supernatural

The Tulip Staircase Ghost

Queen’s House. Greenwich, London. A beautiful seat of power and former royal residence. Construction was completed in 1635 and the house is considered one of, if not the most important building in British architectural history. As you can see from the above picture, it’s an imposing country pile, full of history. Inside is a very […]

Wem Town Hall Ghost Header
Ghosts Supernatural

Wem Town Hall Ghost

Wem is a small market town in Shropshire, England. As is generally the case in England, it’s old. Settlements have been there since way before the Roman conquest of Britain. In 1905, a new town hall was built. Made of red brick, it still stands on the high street. Although now it has been repurposed […]