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Animal Kingdom History War World War 2

HMS Trident – The Oddest Crew Member

HMS Trident had a short but fruitful life. This T class submarine was commissioned in 1939 and broken up in 1946.

HMS Trident spent most of her life in and around the North Sea. Between 1941 and 1943 Trident managed to sink 6 German supply ships, a German tanker and submarine chaser UJ 1213.

HMS Trident entering dock

She was also involved in many other skirmishes with enemy ships and submarines. While returning to their base, Trident was fired upon by German submarine U-566, but the torpedo missed it’s target.

Pollyanna – HMS Trident

Whilst fighting and in some cases sinking enemy vessels, a doe (a young female reindeer) was onboard the submarine. Named Pollyanna after their home base, she was apparently very happy onboard the submarine. How did she get there, you ask? Pollyanna was gifted by the Russians in 1941 to honour the relationship between Russia and Britain.

Because that’s a great gift for a cramped, dark, submarine operating in a theatre of war, right? I can only assume that being British, the crew were too polite to turn the gift down!

By the time HMS Trident had to return to its base in the UK, Pollyanna had grown too big for the sub. The help of a local slaughterhouse was sought to help remove her from the submarine.

Don’t worry though, there is a happy ending. Pollyanna wasn’t killed, she was given to a local zoo. The first and only reindeer crewmember of a submarine, retired to live out her days in peace.